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Meal Planning like a Boss for Back to Work

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

Getting ready to head back to work or back to school for your little one(s) means a shift in how you plan and execute feeding your family. Here are five tips to make the transition easier.

Decide What You Will Make

The hardest part of meal planning is to figure out WHAT you are going to make. Try to start with planning one work week. Pick three recipes that you enjoy to make. That can certainly include a ready-to-heat meal. The remaining days can include a take out meal and a leftovers day.

Click n' Pick Grocery Pick Up or Grocery Delivery

I was intimidated to do this at first. I will admit that the first order is the most time-consuming because you have to search the items you typically buy each week. But after that first order, making repeat orders is so easy since it saves orders from previous weeks. My suggestion is to order your regular items weekly and if you have to pop in to a local store to grab some unexpected items, at least the bulk of your shopping is done.

Include More Plants. Easy Ones.

Studies show that Canadians should be consuming more vegetables. I find that vegetables can be the most time consuming component of meal prep. Stock your freezer with brightly coloured, chopped frozen veggies like butternut squash, beets, green beans and spinach. In your weekly grocery shop, include 1-2 fresh vegetable options. Use jarred or dried vegetables as flavour boosters liked garlic, ginger and onion.

Always Make a Double Batch

The freezer is my ultimate favourite time-saving appliance. When you make a meal that can be frozen make a double portion to freeze. You will save time on dishes and meal prep the next time you re-heat

Involve the kids

Studies show that getting the kids be part of meal planning shows that they will more likely be on board at mealtimes. My young toddler helps me mix and "chop" soft vegetables and fruit with a kid knife. For older kids around 8 years old, get them to help plan their lunch for the week. Create a sandwich board to plan lunch for the week. You can do the same idea with a Buddha Bowl lunch offering.

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